Legend Of GDAP: PC and Android Download

Hello everyone, the day has finally come! We presented the Legend of Zelda clone today on our Mobile games class and it went really well!! We have been working on the game since the beginning of the term and it has been a fun experience. We learned a lot about developing games for multiple platforms!!…

Time Freeze Feature: Description and progress

We have now began working on tools, design and features for Empyreum Ascension’s prototype! We got two weeks to put some of the main features together and present it. Besides the implementation of the enemy creator, I am going to implement the time freeze feature for the game. This feature will freeze everyone in the…

Zelda Clone: Journal Update 4 – Preparing the world for streaming

In my previous post I shared a few screenshots of how the overworld looks like at this point. We have about 6 weeks left so I gotta speed up on the process, but before I continue creating the rest of it I need to add a “streaming” component to the game. Many might know streaming…

Zelda Clone : Update Journal 2 and Prototype Download

It is the end of the week! Finally it could not have come any sooner. My friends and I presented a prototype of the 2D zelda clone on a mobile platform this week. We also presented the 3D version of it, but I believe that the 2D version is much better. At this point we…

Implementing a Random Dungeon Generator in Unity: The Tile and Layer Class

Today I want to talk about the implementation for the tile class and layer class I am using to generate rooms for my dungeon generator. Let’s begin with the Tile class, which will be in charge of instantiating a single object (this being a sprite) into a given point in the game’s scene. I decided…

Implementing a Random Dungeon Generator in Unity : Scheme and Technical Details

I’m currently working along with two friends on a Legend of Zelda clone using Unity 2D. Like in the original, dungeons will be a major part of the game, since is where the player will encounter most of the enemies and bosses. I wanted to take dungeons to a higher level, and instead of me creating the…